Top Christmas Movies of All Time



It's the most wonderful time of year!

And while you are probably busy trying to get everything done before Christmas, we've got your back with this top 10 list of Christmas movies. 

This list is based on IMDB ratings, audience ratings and our own personal opinions.
1. Home Alone (1990) - A young boy accidentally gets left behind when his family flies to Paris for Christmas. He has to defend his home from two bungling burglars.
2. Elf (2003) - Buddy, a human raised by Santa's elves at the North Pole, learns about his true identity and goes to New York City to meet his biological father.
3. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989) - The Griswold family's plans for a big family holiday are ruined when their son gets in trouble with the law, and they must travel to their family home in Chicago.
4. A Christmas Story (1983) - A boy named Ralphie attempts to convince his parents, teachers, and Santa that a Red Ryder B-B gun really is the perfect Christmas gift.
5. Die Hard (1988) - John McClane, officer of the NYPD, tries to save his wife Holly Gennaro and several others that were taken hostage by German terrorist Hans Gruber during a Christmas party at the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles.
More on why Die Hard is a go to choice! 

 By: Anthony @Eatahoagie Cicali
