Sony shutting down servers to online store for PS3, PSP and PS Vita

The glorious age of digital games 

You are on the clock. PS3/PSP store fronts are shutting down on July 2, 2021 with PS Vita's store following on August 27, 2021 according to a recent article from This article will not be about game preservation, which is something I truly care about, but instead is meant to be more of a PSA to get the word out.

Now is the time to load up these old store fronts one last time and tear through everything they have to offer. Anything you want you should download now. If you are on the fence about a game, I would recommend researching and seeing if they are available on another store front like Steam, PS4/PS5 Store, Microsoft Store Etc. Another option would be to check if there was a physical copy made that you may be able to pick up (if it is in your price range of course).

Some of these games will be gone for good, but the real question is which ones? What could likely be sought after by collectors in the future are hard drives and systems filled with digital released only games, that are actually good games and no longer available anywhere else. If this does happen, I imagine this will be a very small subset of collectors since it is likely most games will be available in the future through emulation. (An example of this is how a PS4 with the game P.T.  on its hard drive, will typically sell for more money than one without P.T. on the hard drive) There may be some however who want to play the games on the devices that they were truly made for and have little or no interest in emulation at all. 

Hopefully this was some interesting things for you to think about. Most importantly though... go get the games you want before they quite literally have the plug pulled on them. 

-Matthew Marozzi
Twitter: @fromNJ2CA 

Author: Lianna Ruppert
